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Help the world’s least-reached people hear the gospel!

For more than 70 years, God has equipped TWR to lead people from doubt to decision to discipleship around the world, gaining access to 190 countries to share biblical truth in more than 200 languages and dialects.

Your support today is crucial for us to continue proclaiming the gospel of salvation as we work to “reach the last.”

Across Asia, throughout Africa and the Middle East, and from Europe to South America, caring friends like you help us share our global media ministry — and the world is responding!

This inspiring message sent from a listener inside North Korea is just one of thousands we receive globally each year:

“We are greatly encouraged by listening to the TWR programs every night. Without them, and your love and dedication, we would not have access to the gospel from our Father in heaven, and we would be lost in darkness.”

Your gift today will help make sure that we keep reaching people with the life-changing power of the gospel!